Picture Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 1/22/24



Bella and I are excited to share our latest reads in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR is a community of bloggers who link up to share what they are reading.  Kellee Moye of Unleashing Readers and Jen Vincent of Teach Mentor Texts decided to give it a #kidlit focus and encourage everyone who participates to visit at least 3 of the other #kidlit book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.           


Today by Gabi Snyder Illustrated by Stephanie Graegin

Time is a tricky thing.  When you are waiting for something like a vacation, the clock moves slowly.  The car ride seems like forever.  Once you arrive, it seems like the day flies by.  Of course, you wish away the wasp sting but not the evening watching fireflies.  And especially not the fireworks in the sky. Don’t fret. Other simple pleasures await like spending time with your Pop-pop and his cat and sharing a meal with your family. And yes, time passes but memories remain if you find space to keep them.  Just breathe in and out and remember.

Snyder’s melodic, gentle text is a powerful reminder to not only live in the moment but also cherish it.  Graegin’s warm, expressive artwork complements Snyder’s words wrapping readers in a snuggly hug.  As a child, I recall it being difficult to be patient; however, as an adult, I have learned to be more mindful which Today promotes.  This past week, we had our first snow days in years; I enjoyed the pleasure of drinking coffee, reading books, and spending time with Bella. It’s easy to be appreciative when you been given the gift of time.  I love that Snyder includes back matter on mindfulness to support readers of all ages.  Thanks to Simon & Schuster’s Children’s Publishing for sharing a copy.  Today will celebrate its book birthday next week on January 30, 2024. 


This Little Kitty in the Garden by Karen Obuhanych

With snow on the ground at my house, this story is a reminder that spring will come. Five little kitties “help” their humans in the garden.  They till the soil with their paws and chomp on weeds.  After all that work, it’s no wonder they are tired and need to rest.  Once rejuvenated, the kitties dip, splash, and swirl in water.  Once they return to the dirt, they become quite muddy.  While a bath seems warranted, the kitties would rather sleep in the new garden bed.

With a peppy, rhyming text and vibrant, expressive artwork, Obuhanych’s kitties evoke a feeling of warmth and whimsy.  Her kitties are all inquisitive and share their personalities in their actions.  I am a big fan of endpapers and love that they are marked with muddy paws showing the kitties’ travels in the garden.  Thanks to Barbara Fisch of Blue Slip Media for sharing a copy.  This Little Kitty in the Garden will celebrate its book birthday next week on January 30, 2024. 

Bella’s Dog Pick of the Week 

Wanting to spread the dog love, Beagles and Books has a weekly feature of highlighting a literary selection with a canine character.


Don’t Trust Cats (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog) by Dev Petty Illustrated by Mike Boldt

Chip the Dog is back with more advice.  In addition to not eating bees, he implores readers not to trust cats. Since Chip is sporting the cone of shame and a band aid on this nose, his opinion is not without support.  Readers may be surprised to hear what animals Chip believes is trustworthy.  I do agree with humans; however, Chip is a little confused why they don’t appreciate his gifts of sticks and dirty underwear. He is right about trusting Grandpa who is generous with treats and beds of all shapes and sizes.  But when Mittens offers him some food from the trash, Chip decides he can perhaps let his guard down.  Oh Chip!  You should have stuck to your guns.

Petty and Boldt are the perfect collaborators, for both the text and illustrations are energetic and entertaining.  Kids will not be able to contain the chuckles especially when they see Chip, a little girl. and Mittens all dressed as pink bunnies.  I love that Chip narrates the story because it is always hilarious to see a dog’s point of view. And Chip does have a perspective worth reading.  After re-reading Don’t Eat Bees, I now realize what caused the friction between Chip and Mittens.  The score is now tied.  Who will be victorious in the next adventure? Hopeful for a third book to declare a winner or better yet Chip and Mitten can learn to get along. Thanks to Barbara Fisch of Blue Slip Media for sharing a copy.  Don’t Trust Cats recently released on January 2, 2024. 

Bella and I thank you for visiting Beagles and Books!

People love dogs. You can never go wrong adding a dog to the story.”Jim Butcher
#IMWAYR is dedicated to dear Etta, my original book beagle. Blessed that Etta is part of my story.

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