Book Birthday, Graphic Novel, Picture Books

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 4/15/24



Bella and I are excited to share our latest reads in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR is a community of bloggers who link up to share what they are reading.  Kellee Moye of Unleashing Readers and Jen Vincent of Teach Mentor Texts decided to give it a #kidlit focus and encourage everyone who participates to visit at least 3 of the other #kidlit book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.        


Look by Gabi Snyder Illustrated by Samantha Cotterill 

When the world feels overwhelming, Snyder invites readers to calm themselves by stopping and looking closely. The story begins with a boy looking out a window and then transitioning to looking for patterns in his house and on a walk with his mother. At times, he draws his observations in a little notebook.  Snyder’s gentle, melodic text encourages active participation by posing questions such as Can you walk in an alternating pattern? and Can you see how the same shapes repeat? Cotterill’s multi-media artwork is absolutely stunning.  Her use of cut outs and blurring aid the reader in paying close attention to the small details which is the goal of the story. 

Our kindergarten begins a ELA module with the theme, Zoom In, with the essential question, What can I learn if I look closely? and Look pairs perfectly.  Can’t wait to share with my teachers and my district.  Back matter includes a visual and written glossary on pattern types as well as pattern activity suggestions.  Thanks to Simon & Schuster for sharing a copy.  Look celebrates its book birthday tomorrow on April 16, 2024. 


Finding Grateful by Diane White Illustrated by Faith Pray

On the first page spread, readers see a broken down car and a mother and daughter walking down a city street. Pray’s illustration of the girl sauntering as her mom looks back smiling as well as White’s first line-Mama says: you don’t need a road map to find grateful set the tone.  Rather than dwell on their misfortune, they will focus on the good around them.  As they take their stroll, the girl explains that grateful means noticing, paying attention, standing still, feeling the grass under her toes, and having fun with a puppy. When she falls, she is upset but she is grateful for her mother’s hug.  As they continue their walk, the girl sees flowers in cracks, tastes a rainbow ice cream, hears a bird singing realizing she is grateful for not just one thing but the compilation of her entire day.  The story ends with a tow truck delivering the car back to the house.  

I love how Finding Grateful reminds us to shrug off a setback and view it as an opportunity. White’s tender text is full of sensory language making readers feel they are right there in the city. Pray’s artwork is complementary highlighting the small details we may overlook and the girl’s excitement in seeing the beauty around her. Thanks to Barbara Fisch of Blue Slip Media for sharing a copy.  Finding Grateful celebrates its book birthday tomorrow on April 15, 2024. 


Penelope’s Balloons by Brooke Bourgeois

Ten red balloons were always tethered to Penelope providing her comfort.  Because of their fragility, Penelope has to be protect her balloons causing her to distance herself from her friends.  Piper could pop one with her pointy spikes; Allie might prick one with her pointy teeth. And other classmates have piercing horns.  Thankful Gerry, a giraffe, has a long neck to reach her during circle time.  

But tragedy strikes when a strong storm forces Penelope to let go of her precious balloons.  Without her balloons, Penelope is deflated.  After Piper kindly escorts her friend home, Penelope is shocked to discover one balloon followed her home.  Penelope’s desperation to hold on to her only balloon was its demise.  Bourgeois’ full page illustration needed no words to convey Penelope’s despair.  But an astute reader will see red balloons through her bedroom window.  Once her family opens the front door, they are greeted by nine of Penelope’s friends each with a balloon in hand. As elated as Penelope is to be reunited with her balloons, she realizes that being close to her friends is the best gift ever.

Author/illustrator Bourgeois’ debut is magnificent. Her illustrations are gentle and warm reminiscent of the beloved elephant Babar.  I love how everyone accepted Penelope for who she was and she was the one to change.  It’s a great mentor text for showing how a character changes from the beginning to end of the story. The endpapers are also worth noting, for the front endpapers show portraits with ten balloons; however, only nine balloons are in the portraits in the back endpapers.  A letter written by Bourgeois accompanied the finished copy explaining that her brother was the inspiration for the story. Thanks to Union Square Kids for sharing a copy.  Penelope’s Balloons celebrates its book birthday tomorrow on April 15, 2024. 

Bella’s Dog Pick of the Week 

Wanting to spread the dog love, Beagles and Books has a weekly feature of highlighting a literary selection with a canine character.


The Great Puptective by Alina Tysoe

When a cat named Truffles’ human brings home a pup from the animal shelter, his home goes from peaceful to pandemonium. Part of the problem is Poppy is a Puptective sporting a deerstalker hat and asks way too many questions. 

When Poppy sees pawprints, she has a clue for her first case. A broken flowerpot (courtesy of Truffles) and a second set of pawprints are other clues. But when Truffles gets caught by his human, his mission is clear. Poppy has got to go! 

Truffles concocts multiple plans to implicate Poppy in mischief but alas, Poppy doesn’t take the bait and Truffles continues to get caught. Truffles resorts to becoming The Blanket Bandit designing traps in hopes of capturing Poppy. The first couple plans fail; however, the third is the charm. But afterwards, Truffles has second thoughts. Can he remedy his mistake and rescue Poppy? 

Full of humor, heart, and hijinks, Tysoe’s graphic novel series will be a hit with kids. Poppy is utterly adorable and I love how Truffles transforms from cantankerous to kind. Stay tuned for a second book, Paranormal Activity. Thanks to Simon & Schuster Publishing for sharing a copy.  The Great Puptective released on March 19, 2024. 

Bella and I thank you for visiting Beagles and Books!

People love dogs. You can never go wrong adding a dog to the story.”Jim Butcher
#IMWAYR is dedicated to dear Etta, my original book beagle. Blessed that Etta is part of my story.

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